Inspiring People (5-12 years old)
Inspiring People series consists of 10 books, each book portrays the life story of influential people of our time.
Seri Inspiring People terdiri dari 10 buku, di mana dalam setiap buku berisikan kehidupan dari orang-orang yang berpengaruh dan membuat sejarah dalam bidang mereka masing-masing.
Inspiring People : IDR 499.000
Inspiring People : IDR 499.000
Inspiring People Preview inside each book
Inspiring People Preview inside each book
Preview of Inspiring People series (10 books)
Preview of Inspiring People series (10 books)
Penasaran dengan isi dari buku-buku dalam seri Inspiring People🤔 ? Kali ini, kita berikan sneak peek keseluruhan isi buku nya 📚 yang seruUu banget untuk dibaca anak-anak segala umur 🤩..
Curious about our Inspiring People series books 🤔 ? Enjoy the sneak peek inside these super fun-to-read books 📚, for your children of all ages 🤩..